

Autotransfusion, Verfahren zur Herbeiführung einer bessern Verteilung des im Körper noch vorhandenen Blutes, wird namentlich bei drohendem Verblutungstod angewendet. Man sucht durch Horizontallagerung den Kreislauf zum Gehirn zu befördern und durch straffe Einwickelung und feste Leibbinden den Blutlauf zu den Extremitäten und der Bauchhöhle zu beschränken. 1905–1909.

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  • autotransfusion — noun Date: circa 1923 return of autologous blood to the patient s own circulatory system …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • autotransfusion — /aw toh trans fyooh zheuhn/, n. infusion of a patient s own blood, either collected and returned to the body during surgery or transfused from a stored supply. [1960 65; AUTO 1 + TRANSFUSION] * * * …   Universalium

  • autotransfusion — noun A form of blood transfusion in which a person receives blood that he has previously donated …   Wiktionary

  • autotransfusion — Withdrawal and reinjection/transfusion of the patient s own blood; commonly the patient s own blood is collected on several occasions over time to be reinfused during an operative procedure in which substantial blood loss is anticipated.… …   Medical dictionary

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